From corporate to cutting-edge
TD magazine, published monthly by the Association for Talent Development (ATD), is the largest, most influential magazine for talent development professionals worldwide. In response to readers’ changing needs, my team was asked to develop a new visual direction, including a fresh take on content and an elevated aesthetic tone.
To provide a cohesive visual experience, we established a specific look, feel and mood for the magazine. In keeping with the new aesthetic, we introduced original commissioned artwork to help enrich the visual experience for readers. By turning up the volume and pulling in talented photographers and illustrators we were able to create custom art that brings impact to each story. With a renewed focus on strong, clever art, TD conveys complex ideas in a simple, engaging way.
TD’s editorial team responded to reader feedback with new content categories, allowing us to help develop new components for the magazine. We introduced a grid system with more flexibility to mix different types and lengths of content. Foundational design components like typography and color were used in a meaningful way. A new, restrained color strategy ties the magazine’s broader sections together. The result is a visually stunning design with a modern, energetic quality.
We overhauled the magazine’s typographic palette to give it a refreshed, modern personality. The new type system is versatile enough to provide big impact, subtle playfulness, or a straightforward tone of voice, according to a story’s needs. We specifically chose typefaces that are purpose-built to perform optimally at specific sizes to increase readability no matter the type size.
Publication launch, editorial design, art direction
Produced at MCI USA for the Association for Talent Development.
2018 Silver ASBPE Azbee Award of Excellence Design Excellence 2018 Silver ASBPE Azbee Award of Excellence Illustration 2018 Bronze ASBPE Azbee Award of Excellence Feature Article Design 2017 Association Media & Publishing Silver EXCEL Award General Excellence 2016 Folio Digital Ozzie Award Association / Non-Profit (B-to-B) Standalone Digital Magazine