Looking for an all-in-one solution, without a one-size-fits-all approach? It’s time we met. (Preferably over coffee.)
When you’re hiring an outside expert, you not only want something that looks good, you also want a transformation, and you want results. You’d also prefer if it came without chaotically long email threads and past-due milestones.
No two projects are alike, but chances are if you’ve got clearly defined values and need help bringing your big ideas to fruition, we’d make a great team.
However we work together, every project typically has three key things in common: strategy, collaboration, and project management.
First, let’s strategize.
We’ll determine your goals, talk about budget, envision desired outcomes, and come up with a plan of action for a clear path forward. Every decision we make is made with purpose so everyone can get on board and confidently move forward together.
Assemble the team!
We’ll figure out who all our key players are to make this a clear winner. We’ll tap into your talent and my network to bring the right people together. This is a collaborative effort, and I treat it as such. I’ll blend in with and become an extension of your team—and I’ll help guide them to where we want to go.
You’ve got a trusted leader.
With 15 years under my belt and an agency background to boot, you can leave the showrunning largely to me. No matter the size or scope of our work together, I’ve got you covered on all fronts. You’ll never have to wonder where things stand.
“Heather not only leads a creative team, developing and shaping unique visions, but [she] manages to ensure that clients are always happy and expectations are always met. Heather is a thoughtful, inspirational, and incredibly adept designer and art director, consistently proving to be amazing to collaborate with. She contributes a positive effect on every project, by enthusiastically connecting with all involved, planning and communicating to meet milestones, and dedicating whatever it takes to make sure everyone walks away smiling!”
— Laura Walter, Designer, Network Media Partners
The dazzle is in the details.
Most of my work falls within the below categories of services, and everything is customizable. Click to read more.
My job isn’t done until your jaw hits the floor...
You can guarantee that by the time our work together is complete, you’ll be wowed by the visual impact of the final results—and so will your audience.
Most importantly, behind the beautiful exterior, your organization’s values will be palpable in all aspects.
...and my services are as flexible as your needs are unique.
Maybe you know exactly what you need (and what you don’t!). Maybe all you know is you need help, and you need it yesterday. Either way, you don’t belong in a box. That’s why my work is tailored to your organization. I’m available for one-off projects and long-term partnerships.
Think we’d make a great team? Have some questions about how I work?
Book a complimentary consultation today to get a conversation started.
CASE Bronze Circle of Excellence Award Advocacy/Issue Campaigns, Black at Woodward
Association Media & Publishing Bronze EXCEL Award Annual Report (Digital), HSMAI Annual Report
ASBPE Azbee Silver Award of Excellence Design Excellence, TD magazine
ASBPE Azbee Silver Award of Excellence Illustration, TD magazine
ASBPE Azbee Bronze Award of Excellence Feature Article Design, TD magazine
Association Media & Publishing Silver EXCEL Award General Excellence, TD magazine
Folio Digital Ozzie Award Association / Non-Profit (B-to-B) Standalone Digital Magazine, CTDO magazine
Folio Digital Ozzie Honorable Mention Association / Non-Profit (B-to-B) Use of Typography, CTDO magazine
Folio Digital Ozzie Honorable Mention B-to-B Design, New Magazine Middle Market Growth magazine
Association Media & Publishing Bronze EXCEL Award Digital Media Mobile Application (magazine), CTDO magazine
Folio Digital Ozzie Award Association / Non-Profit (B-to-B) Standalone Digital Magazine, Middle Market Growth magazine
Association Media & Publishing Silver EXCEL Award General Excellence, AYP magazine
Association Media & Publishing Bronze EXCEL Award Design Excellence, AYP magazine
Folio Digital Eddie Award Association / Non-Profit (B-to-B) Standalone Digital Magazine, Middle Market Growth magazine
Association TRENDS All-Media Silver Award Monthly Professional Society Magazine, Middle Market Growth magazine
Apex Award New Magazine, Journal & Tabloid, Middle Market Growth magazine
Folio Eddie Honorable Mention best digital edition, Middle Market Growth magazine
Association TRENDS All-Media Bronze Award Monthly Professional Society Magazine, Middle Market Growth magazine
Association Media & Publishing Silver EXCEL Award Most Improved, 50,000 or fewer, AYP magazine
APEX Grand Award Design and Illustration, AYP magazine
APEX Award of Excellence Design and Illustration, AYP magazine
Association Media & Publishing Bronze EXCEL Award Media Innovation, Digital Magazines, MOVE digital edition
Association Media & Publishing Silver EXCEL Award Online Publishing Innovation, MOVE magazine
APEX Award Most Improved Magazine, MOVE magazine redesign
TABPI's Tabbie Award Honorable Mention (5th overall) Best Single Issue, MOVE magazine
ASBPA Gold Award Publication Redesign $2M and under, MOVE magazine
Society for News Design Award of Excellence Varsity One-Track Mind cover, The Baltimore Sun
Renewable Natural Resources Foundation Award of Excellence in Journalism The Platte River Odyssey, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln
One MCI newsletter Five Questions with Heather Winkel
Signature magazine "If Your Paper Could Talk"
Bmore Media Mache Magazine, By and For Creators
Folio Magazine Rising Stars: Ten Under 30